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Six Weeks into Quarantine | Thoughts and Feelings

Six Weeks into Quarantine | Thoughts and Feelings


We are now entering week 6 of our quarantine and self isolation, and as much as I thought that I had a routine down and was starting to feel better…. I realized I may have been suppressing my emotions. Some days I feel fine and normal like this isn’t happening and other days I’m a mess.

Last week I felt really overwhelmed and depressed. The other night I woke up from a dream, that I couldn’t remember, feeling so anxious I couldn’t go back to sleep without my salt lamp back on. Then the other night I tried to cook dinner and my soup dumplings exploded everywhere, so I tried to make frozen pizza that just wouldn’t cook all the way through until it was burnt to a crisp, and I just couldn’t stop crying. I feel like the combination of hormones from my period coming and the stress of everything in the world has turned me into a little kid who can’t control their emotions.


I thought I was giving myself time and space to feel my emotions but after all of this I don’t think I was. I think I was trying too hard to be productive or watch the things I’ve been wanting to watch or be creative that I didn’t let myself just sit and be. I think I need to just sit and be ok.

I will say that I am really lucky to have an outside space and a yard to be in. If i’m having a hard time I have the ability to go sit in the sun or go for a walk.

I am still trying to keep a routine, because I am a virgo, but I’m trying to be less strict on myself. I also have started keeping a physical journal. Sometimes I do prompts, I’ll link my pinterest board, some from margot lee, other times I draw or just write everything that I’m feeling.

That has been helping a lot. To physically write down why I’m upset helps me let go without having to tell anyone or say out loud how I’m feeling.

How are you handling this situation? Are you feeling like you have a routine? What has been helping you?

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