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Long Distance Date Ideas

Long Distance Date Ideas


I think we can all agree that long distance sucks before the quarantine but even more so now that we’re in a global pandemic. A little background information on me and my fiancé K, he is Japanese and is living in Tokyo, he has a visa to come to the US and was supposed to come here at the end of march for our wedding but for safety during covid19 we postponed everything.

The two of us have been on and off long distance relationship our entire relationship so I like to think we’re really good at it so I thought I would share some date ideas we’ve been doing during quarantine.


Cooking Dinner or Eating Together

This is a bit harder for us because K is 13 hours ahead. But one of my friends has had two bumble dates with a guy where they cook the same recipe and eat dinner together. I think this is a really cute idea and allows you to have a more relaxed conversation.

What we do with the time difference though is try and eat together. K eats later, around 9 pm so that works for me because I eat breakfast at 10 am!


Watching a Movie or Show Together

The two of us love to watch movies together. Sometimes when I am up early enough we like to watch a movie together over FaceTime. It’s not the same as watching it together but it is still really nice to share that moment together.

The other thing we do, because our time zones are so different, is we watch the same shows so that way we can talk about the story together but not be worried about watching it at the same time!


Send a Care Package

Because we are across the world we like to send each other cards or little presents or snacks. Because K is in Japan I like when he can send me snacks or something I can’t get here. Right now I can’t really send things to him because of covid but normally we like to send cards and stuff.

Getting a hand written card in the mail from the person you love with words of encouragement or just to say hi is so nice! I personally love hand written mail!


Workout Together

Personally, during quarantine I have been very unmotivated to workout so K has been really encouraging to help me get motivated. We aren’t able to workout together because of time zones, but if your time zone is better than you could do online workout videos together. For us we’re encouraging each other. I’ll ask how was his run? How far did he run? Or sometimes he’ll send me photos he takes on his run. And I like to do workout videos so he likes to encourage me.


Plan Future Trips or Adventures

The two of us love to travel, but for the foreseeable future the two of us won’t be traveling out of the country. K just got his visa to the US and with everything going on with Covid we decided to try and research some more local places to visit that we haven’t been to before.

We also have been planning a road trip we want to do! we have a few road trips we want to go on and its so much fun planning it together!


Play Phone Games Together

My fiancé loves to play games on his phone with his friends so I decided that I wanted to learn to play too! He and I are able to play on our phones even though we are across the world! It’s also something Ive become really competitive with it so I think it’s really fun to do together!


I know long distance is hard, but I have to say it really will make your relationship stronger! I think couples who go through long distance are actually stronger and have an amazing bond that other relationships might not have. So if you are in a long distance relationship, you got this! I know its hard but you’re going to make it!

If you’re in a long distance relationship what do you and your partner like to do together?

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