Wrapping up Blogmas
So on Friday the 23rd we had a christmas party. We tried to go to Baskin Robbins, which they call “Thirty One” here, for a christmas cake and they were sold out. Look at all of these lined up! But they were very overpriced and didn’t look very good so we decided to go.
Then we went to the grocery store to get everything we needed to have hotpot with our friends. The grocery store had these premade christmas roast chickens for people. This is because a lot of people, like me, don’t have an oven to roast a chicken in. But its tradition to eat that here. So grocery stores will have them already made for people to get.
We also had cake. I bought the last strawberry cake at the store and a chocolate one to find our friends brought us cake! So we had so much food to eat!
I bought these paper glasses for a dollar at Seria. I also had reindeers but I gave them to our friends and I didn’t want to put their pictures on here.
So for Christmas Eve we went to Disney Land!! We were really lucky because Kei had to work on Christmas but had Christmas Eve off because it is also the Emperors Birthday. A lot of people had the day off. Look how cute and festive Disney looked! It was a unique way to spend Christmas.
Because Kei had to go to work on Christmas I decided to go last minute shopping for some of our friends and family we are going to see after christmas. Then I tried the strawberry milk Santa doughnut from Krispy Kreme which was so amazing! Then we went out to Korean BBQ and then went home and opened our presents.
I’m sad that blooms didn’t go as I hoped, and even worse was vlogmas. I wasn’t expecting that my computer was going to break and then life got complicated. We vlogged and will have them for ourselves for a while. I’ve been planning other content while doing blooms so I have a lot of stuff prepared.
I hope you all had amazing holidays and saw your friends and family.