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Monday Moment: Places I want to eat in Japan

Monday Moment: Places I want to eat in Japan

Tara Milk Tea on Instagram

Tara Milk Tea on Instagram


So for this Monday Moment I made a list of places I want to go eat or get coffee at. I really want to go to Alfred’s Tea Room. I’ve never been to the one in the States but I want to go to the one here!


Nanaya Gelato looks incredible! They have about 7 flavors of green tea in different intensities! I am so excited to try and go here!


Shozo Coffee store looks so cute! I love the outside of it and it seems really charming. I’ve been told that they have really amazing coffee so I can’t wait to try.

I also really want to try Tensuke Tempura which is supposed to be incredible!

Getting Ready for Halloween in Tokyo 2018

Getting Ready for Halloween in Tokyo 2018

Trying the Gua Sha

Trying the Gua Sha