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5 Things I’m Adding To My Winter Skin Care

5 Things I’m Adding To My Winter Skin Care


Once it gets really cold in the winter I like to add some things to my skincare routine to help my skin combat the winter dryness.


The first major thing I’ve added to my skincare routine has been the Welda skin food. I know a lot of people put this on their faces, but I personally find it too greasy for that. But! I put it on my heels before I put on socks and I put it onto my elbows in the winter.

I' personally get a lot more hang nails in the winter so I try and use this beckman 1802 cuticle cream to help prevent that. I find that it really helps.


This stuff is the best chapstick I’ve ever used! I put on a tiny amount at night and the next day my lips aren’t cracked and feel great!

The acure super greens serum has helped my skin stay glowy and soft during these colder months.

Entering 2020 with Realistic Goals

Entering 2020 with Realistic Goals

Four Winter Outfits from Tokyo

Four Winter Outfits from Tokyo