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Entering 2020 with Realistic Goals

Entering 2020 with Realistic Goals


Happy New Year and Happy 2020! These past two weeks of holiday rest were definitely needed for me to recharge and regroup with myself and my goals. I needed this time to really get some energy and strength back!

I don’t really love the concept of new years resolutions, I prefer to think of this time of year as a recharge. You get time off to think and sit with yourself and your loved ones and come back ready to tackle anything. This year I’ve given up new years resolutions. I can change anytime I want and I don’t want to keep setting unrealistic goals I’m not going to keep and be disappointed in later on.

You aren’t supposed to wake up on January first and be a new person. You shouldn’t pressure yourself into creating resolutions because you saw all your friends say they’re going to work out every day or drink more water. Aim to be better, not perfect. We’re all growing over the years not changing every year.


This year my main resolution is to be happy and work hard to achieve what I want even if those goals might take longer than a year to achieve. And I have some other things so I’m listing them here to be accountable

  • Be consistent with youtube- it’s something I really want to do, even if it is just one video a week. I’m going to stop letting my fear of what other people will think of me behind and do it

  • I want to find more ways to be creative- I like to embroider and will do that more but i want to learn more things like sewing or pottery

  • Be more social- this last year was very hard on my mentally and I really isolated myself from my friends. One of my main goals this year is to let my friends know that and put in more effort to see them and spend time with them

  • Buy my parents each a special gift- I’m not sure what this will be yet but my parents are so supportive of me and everything I do I want to give them something that they both really want.

What are your realistic goals for the year and what are you doing to achieve them?

Cafe Diaries: Momosan Ramen and Sake Bar

Cafe Diaries: Momosan Ramen and Sake Bar

5 Things I’m Adding To My Winter Skin Care

5 Things I’m Adding To My Winter Skin Care