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Things That Continue to Live on in Japan

Things That Continue to Live on in Japan

In Japan there is a lot of things that are still alive and going compared to the United States. The main ones are Magazines, Books, CDs and film photography.


Magazines and the magazine world is still incredibly popular in Japan. People like to read through all of the articles in the magazine. There are so many subjects for magazines; fashion for all ages, cooking, home, sports, and any other subject you can think of.

A lot of young girls look to the magazines to see what is the next popular item and whats the best thing for them to wear and how to do their hair.

One thing that surprised me was that people stand in the magazine sections of stores and read them from start to finish and no one stops them or complains when they don’t buy them.


CD’s and Music Stores:


The first time I went to Shibuya and I saw there was a tower records i was so surprised! I hadn’t been to a tower records since I was a kid and to think it was so large! I was so shocked! My dad really wants to go here when he goes to Japan.


Each floor is by type of music and has stations in it to hear the CDs. People like to collect the CD’s, especially young people, because most CD’s have a poster or some kind of collector item with it.


Book Stores:


On the subway you will often see people reading books covered in paper to protect them. Reading books is still important in Japan, people love to read physical books. Which seems so rare now a days in the US. There are often large english books sections as well in stores for foreigners and people wanting to practice english.

This bookstore I have a blog post about, so if you want to learn more about it check it out!


Film Photography:


Film Photography is still really popular in Japan. Buying disposable cameras, polaroids, or film for all cameras is a lot cheaper in Japan than it is in the US. Then to get film developed you don’t have to wait very long and it isn’t expensive to develop them.

The other thing is because most people take such good care of their cameras, and their things, buying used cameras is like buying a new camera.

One eyeshadow palette: 3 looks

One eyeshadow palette: 3 looks

Road trip to Chicago

Road trip to Chicago